Monday, April 20, 2009

Growing Our Own on 4/20

"Do they have what it takes?
Spinach seeds yearn for freedom and plot their escape. In most cases, JaGoFF is immune to plant-human mind control techiques, but these two were successful and forced us to plant them."

In celebration of 4/20, JaGoFF has decided to grow "our own" again this summer. As your read this, JaGoFF's cosmic slop is on slow cook.

This year's selection features:
Spinach, Broccoli, Egg Plant, Onions, Garlic, Tomato, Peppers, Basil, Oregano, Cat Nip, Mint, Snap Peas, Strawberries & Cumcumbers

Hold on to your seats as we document all the madcap misadventures of JaGoFF urban farming. Pray nobody loses a limb.

You can keep up with the ongoing progess in our photo gallery.

Cosmic slop in a pill?

1. Drop pill in pod.
2. Add warm water and watch the fun!
These peat pills are like the "Drop the dinosaur in the water & watch it grow by 20X" meets those snake things that you light on fire around the Fourth of July.

Sugar Snap. Our favorite.
Germination Period: 7-14 days.

Eggplant in solitary confinment.
Germination Period: 14-21 days.

Overhead view of the JaGoFF's Organopod Matrix.
Gotta love the "PRODUCT" stamp on the upper right hand corner.

Cosmic slop slow bake.
Stay tuned...

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